Relief of Burning Feet from Neuropathy | Orange County

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Orange County to Relieve Burning, Numb Feet

Dr. Barry Marks, Chiropractor, Orange County’s Neuropathy Doctor

Burning, Tingling, Numbness, Loss of Balance are the most common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. But there are other troubling conditions that accompany neuropathy. In fact, many neuropathy sufferers become withdrawn because they can no longer walk without pain. In turn this leads to depression and feelings of isolation. After some time, weight gain is common because of lack of activity. Without a doubt, loss of personal relationships may occur also.

Clearly, you can see that for people enduring peripheral neuropathy, it’s more than just foot pain.

The really great news is there are newer treatments available right now to solve this problem. Thanks to modern medical technology using light and electrical stimulus, peripheral neuropathy is readily treated. Specifically, it is not just symptomatically treated, but the underlying condition can be healed.

Peripheral Neuropathy is Damage to Sensory Nerves Due to a Lack of Blood Flow

Cutting edge technologies have been combined to restore blood flow and even regrow new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and repair damaged nerves. As long as your nerves are not too damaged, they can be repaired with this unique new program. Frankly, these are therapies not found in many doctor’s or therapist’s offices. And combing them into a 3-prong approach is unheard of.

But What is Really Revolutionary About Dr. Marks’ Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Program is…

It is almost entirely HOME BASED therapy. That’s right. Surprisingly, the cutting edge technologies Dr. Marks uses in his his busy Orange, CA Chiropractic and Pain Relief practice can be used in the comfort of your own home. This accomplishes 2 things. First, it eliminates the need for multiple doctor’s visits each week. Second, because the treatment is in-home, you can be treated more often. More treatment means better results.

Ready to find out if your condition qualifies?
<<Click Here for a Free Neuropathy Severity Evaluation>>



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