Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Case Study

Peripheral Neuropathy Relief Orange County Case Study

See How Orange County Man Got Relief from Burning, Tingling, Numb Feet…

Peripheral Neuropathy

Burning, tingling, numbness and pain in the feet caused by diabetes, drugs, autoimmune disorders and many times unknown causes can ruin your life. At first it is just annoying to feel burning feet at night or notice pins and needles in your toes when walking. Later, however it worsens causing more and more pain that keeps you awake at night. Worse, the numbness can be so bad you can’t tell where your feet are so you have difficulty walking.

Traditional Treatments for Neuropathy

Medication is the most common treatment offered by medical physicians. They use off-label drugs that are meant for seizures to disconnect the pain signals from reaching the brain. This approach fails because it does not correct the underlying problem that is causing the neuropathic pain. Further, increasing dosages of drugs are needed to get what small relief they offer.

The Underlying Cause of Neuropathy Pain

First, blood flow to the feet slows. As blood flow grows scarce, nerves in the area are starved of nutrients. Then the nerves slowly begin to die. In the early stages the symptoms are burning and pins and needles sensations. As the nerves degenerate more and more numbness sets in. That is when you can’t feel your feet.

New Hope for Foot Pain from Neuropathy

Dr. Barry Marks, DC has Developed a Program to Relieve Neuropathy

The program consists of two innovated technologies and a supplementation regimen. Specifically, the treatment improves blood flow to the feet and repairs damaged nerves. It does this safely with no pain and no medications. There are even options to do 90% of the treatment in the comfort of your own home.

But Don’t Take Our Word for it, Watch the Video for Proof

The neuropathy case study conclusively shows that Jeff, an Orange County man who had suffered for years from neuropathy went from 39% loss of sensation down to only 9% in 3 months.

Would You Like to See if You Could Get Similar Results?

Click Here for a Free Neuropathy Severity Evaluation. Dr. Marks will examine you, let you know if your condition qualifies for his program and then explain in detail the options available to you.

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