Relief Neck Pain | Neck Pain Treatment Orange CA

Relief Neck Pain and Neck Pain Treatment

relief neck pain treatment

Neck Pain is Annoying and Can Be Down Right Debilitating.

Whichever end of the spectrum you are on, what you want and need is simple: Relief Neck Pain.
Obviously, the problem is the reason why you are searching now. Effective neck pain treatment can be hard to find. Sadly, you are not alone in your search.

Neck Pain is Very Common

And yet, relief of neck pain is elusive. If you’ve consulted your primary care physician, you’ve probably been given some medications. Maybe a pamphlet on neck exercises. Maybe even you’re given a prescription for physical therapy.

Medications don’t work. Ok, so maybe the sharp edge of pain is taken off, but the problem is still there. And that’s because medications do not fix the actual problem. Your neck pain is not caused by a lack of chemicals!

Exercises are fine and can improve some mobility and lessen pain. A pamphlet on your own is last Century thinking! Clearly, you’ve seen countless exercise videos online for neck pain relief. Also, a good PT can help guide you through some helpful exercises, but in today’s world, your insurance probably limits you to a handful of visits at best. And still, the exercises usually won’t fix the underlying neck problem any way.

So How Do You Get Relief Neck Pain?

First, You Need to Find the Cause of Your Neck Pain. It’s Not All the Same.

For example, let’s say you’re fairly young (under 40) and never had a neck issue and never had a car accident or a fall on your head. One day you wake up after sleeping funny and you have a kink in your neck. That’s a very specific type of neck pain problem that is easily fixed in short order. Most likely it’s a simple misalignment and tight neck muscle.

Here’s another scenario: you are over 50, work on a computer for 10 hours a day, you were rear-ended at age 20 and then again 3 years ago. After the accidents you’ve had off and on lingering symptoms. One day you wake up after sleeping in a hotel room with a bad pillow with a kink in your neck. This is a trickier neck pain issue. It’s likely on x-ray you do not have a normal curve and there’s a very good chance you have some disc degeneration and some osteoarthritis in your neck. Your sudden neck issue will be harder to fix. It’s not simply a minor misalignment.

These are very common examples of neck pain. Every patient is unique with a unique history and set of problems. Clearly, this is why a thorough review of your history, examination and often, x-rays are needed when you come in and say “Why does my neck hurt?”

So let’s say you had your exam and you and your doctor know the cause of your neck pain. What’s next?

Neck Pain Treatment That Works

Relief neck pain requires treatment that focuses on correcting or fixing the actual cause of the problem. Medications and exercises alone rarely provide lasting relief because they do not fix the problem. This is where chiropractic comes into play.

Chiropractic neck pain treatment is successful because it finds the underlying problem. The doctor of chiropractic then performs treatments specifically designed at correcting the problem. In many cases, the root problem is malfunction within the joints of the neck. Clearly, chiropractic particularly focuses on unlocking and restoring normal motion to the spinal joints.

It doesn’t matter if your neck pain comes from a simple postural strain from your computer use, a strain from overworking in the yard or an actual trauma like a car accident, the basis of the pain is a joint malfunction. Chiropractic adjustments fix the malfunction. Specifically, manipulation or adjustments by hand are the typical neck pain treatments.

Additionally, chiropractors also use add on therapies like heat, cold, electrical stimulation, stretching and lasers to aid the healing process.

All in all, chiropractic neck pain treatment is a viable option for anyone seeking relief neck pain.

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