Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment of Orange County

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Orange County

home based peripheral neuropathy treatment orange county

Treatment to Relieve Foot Numbness, Burning, Pain and Tingling from Neuropathy

Dr. Barry Marks, DC new approach to treating peripheral neuropathy including:

  • Diabetic neuropathy of hands and/or feet
  • Autonomic neuropathy of hands and/or feet
  • Autoimmune neuropathy of hands/feet
  • Peripheral Neuropathy of unknown origin hands/feet

About Peripheral Neuropathy (PN)

Specifically, PN is a condition affecting blood vessels and nerves of the hands or feet. In fact it is characterized by tingling or burning sensation that starts in the tips of the fingers or toes. Later, it can spread up to more of the and or foot. Subsequently, it can travel up into the arms or legs.

Distressingly, if untreated, the affected area will become numb. Specifically, that means you cannot feel sensation at all. Of course, this leads to trouble holding objects or walking.

In the end, peripheral neuropathy can become disabling if not treated.

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

Basically, to restore feeling and relieve pain, 3 things need to happen.

  1. Improve circulation
  2. Repair damaged nerves
  3. Reduce inflammation in general

Orange County Peripheral Neuropathy Doctor

Dr. Barry Marks, DC has been successfully treating patients since 1986. Further, Dr. Marks is constantly studying the latest techniques and investigating the newest technologies.

Specifically, over the past several years, Dr. Marks has implemented and developed a totally unique approach to the treatment of peripheral neuropathy. In fact, a program so different, you won’t find another office or clinic in Orange County who can replicate this system.

Best of All, Most of the Treatment is Done in the Comfort of Your Own Home!

No need for several office visits. And, no shots or dangerous drugs. Additionally, all treatments are safe, painless and scientifically proven.

Imagine for a moment, no more foot burning, tingling or numbness… How different would your life be? What activities would you do?

Now imagine pain relief without having to go to an office…

Ready to Learn if Your Condition Qualifies?
<Click Here for a Free Peripheral Neuropathy Severity Evaluation>



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