Overcoming Chronic Pain: How Seeing A Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Your Pain

Overcoming Chronic Pain: Seeing A Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Pain

chronic pain chiropractor

Overcoming chronic pain is a desired goal for every individual who suffers from it. We reveal how seeing a chiropractor can help relieve your pain.

Keyword(s): chronic pain

You pull your car into your driveway and take note of the bright pink flowers blooming in the front yard. You pull the key from the ignition, open the door, and move to step out. But your chronic pain returns.

A paralyzing shock travels down your back.

It’s enough to make you shiver.

Oh no! Not now!

It’s already been a rough week. Your boss gave you a lecture today about the need to increase performance. But how? You can’t add more to your heavy burden. And now, this! What are you going to do?

About Chronic Pain Syndrome

What causes chronic pain? How can you find lasting relief? Visit a chiropractor to overcome the stranglehold chronic pain has on you.

Chronic pain can surface for many different reasons. Conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, or infections may cause pain. Triggers like heavy lifting, repetitive motion, and housework can also cause chronic pain.

Just about any part of the body can be affected by chronic pain. Two of the most common types are chronic neck pain and chronic back pain. Many seek chiropractic care for these conditions.

Chiropractic Treatment

About 22 million Americans see chiropractors each year. About 35% of them look for relief from back pain. So chiropractors spend much of their time working with the spine.

Chiropractors use hands-on spinal manipulation techniques. The manipulation, also called chiropractic spinal adjustment, restores mobility to joints restricted by tissue injuries. These injuries may be caused by falling, repetitive stress, or other trauma.

Your First Chiropractic Appointment

On your first visit, your chiropractor will take a medical history. He or she will conduct a physical exam. The chiropractor may use lab tests or imaging tests to see if the treatment is right for you. They will come up with a treatment plan.

The first visit may involve a manual adjustment. The doctor uses a controlled, sudden force to improve your range and quality of motion. The chiropractor may also provide nutritional counseling and an exercise plan.

Repeated Chronic Pain Treatments

Chiropractic care often requires multiple visits. The initial plan may start with visits once or twice a week. Some patients may have to go every day at first.

Sometimes improvement may not be noticeable after a visit. This can leave patients feeling like their treatment is going nowhere. But improvement soon follows. And the visits can be less frequent. A patient may be able to do more therapy on their own time.

With chronic pain, you’ll probably have to visit at least on an occasional basis. It can be a struggle to work the appointments into a busy schedule. No one wants to resign themselves to a life of relying on treatment. Many patients wrestle with these feelings.

Try Chiropractic Treatment Today

Chronic pain can return at any time. It may come back during physical activity, bending, or even when you’re resting. Imagine if you were free from its control.

You can feel healthy again. Contact us for a New Patient Special Offer chiropractic visit. You’ll quickly find yourself refreshed and free of chronic pain. You’ll be energized to perform at your best. Why only yearn to feel great? Call Dr. Marks today!

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