Doctors That Accept Auto Insurance Near Me

Doctors That Accept Auto Insurance Near Me

Your car got smashed and now your neck is sore. You’re now trying to figure out what doctor to see for your sore neck. Which doctors will take your auto insurance?

doctor accepts auto insurance near me

About Auto Accident Insurance

When you’re involved in a car accident you have different options on how to pay for treatment with a doctor.

Health Insurance
Under most instances nowadays, your health insurance you get through work or pay for on your own is considered primary. In other words they are the first insurance to bill.

Automobile Medical Payments Insurance
Your own auto policy may have what we call “Auto Med Pay.” This is the portion of your policy that pays for doctors and hospital visits as a result of an auto accident. It doesn’t matter if the collision is your fault or the other driver’s fault. Med Pay will pay any doctor up to whatever policy limits you have.

The Other Person’s Auto Insurance
The responsible party’s liability insurance is supposed to take care of you after an accident. The only catch is, they will only pay for medical costs AFTER you have stopped treating and are ready to settle your entire case. That means you have to arrange your medical treatment on your own, figure out how to pay for it then after when your doctor releases you, you submit a claim. They will then “negotiate” the amount of your bills they will pay.

Finding a Doctor After a Car Accident

Consulting with the right doctor will make your claim much, much easier. Knowing how to bill the insurance, which one is first, etc is something you don’t need to worry about. A doctor that specializes in treating auto accident injuries will know exactly what to do and help you. All you need to do is assemble all the info; your health insurance card, your auto insurance card and a copy of your policy declaration page.

This is the page you usually get when you renew your policy or pay your bill. It contains all the types of coverage you have on your policy.

Your auto injury specialist will not only be able to help you set up your claim, but will also assist you in the entire process from obtaining treatment to settling your car accident case. You may also need additional services like an MRI or to see a specialist. Your car accident doctor will be able to arrange for all these items when needed.

What if My Auto Insurance is Limited or I Don’t Have Any?

If you have a small Med Pay policy, say $1,000, then your policy will only cover $1,000 in expenses. A typical case can be $3,000-6,000 so now what? When you’re working with a doctor who primarily handles car accident cases, they will often provide care to you on a lien. Meaning, you sign an agreement with the doctor that you are not required to pay upfront for care. Instead, when your treatment is completed you pay your doctor from the settlement proceeds.

So your auto insurance may pay for part of your care as you go, but the balance is held on a lien to be paid later once your case is completed. Not all doctors accept auto insurance or a lien arrangement, so you need to know up front before you begin care.

Want an Orange County Car Accident Doctor Who Accepts Auto Insurance and Liens?

Since 1986, Dr. Barry Marks Chiropractor and car accident injury specialist has provided treatment accepting car insurance and personal injury liens. Few doctors in Orange County can rival his specialized training and experience in this field. Instead of worrying about what doctor to find after your car accident and which ones will accept your auto accident policy, contact Dr. Marks.

In most cases, he will be able to assist you in setting up your claim and providing pain relieving injury treatment. You will not have to worry about anything because he will guide you through the entire process letting you concentrate on getting better.

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