Chiropractic Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief

chiropractic sciatic nerve pain relief orange county

Chiropractic Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief Orange County

Dr. Barry Marks, Chiropractor
Orange, CA

“It feels like molten lava running down the back of my leg…”


“The sensation is like someone is sending thousands of volts of electricity from my butt to my toes every time I move wrong…”

 I’m sure if you’ve suffered with sciatica in the past, you can totally relate to these symptoms. Sciatica is horrible.

If You Are Currently Suffering from Sciatic Nerve Pain, Keep Reading, This Might Just Help You

This Post is All About Treatments That Work for Sciatica

Therefore, I won’t bore you with passages about the anatomy of the sciatic nerve or what causes it, because frankly, I’m sure you already Googled that. If not, read this to catch up. Then come back here.

The Primary Reason You Have Sciatic Nerve Symptoms is Inflammation

The nerve was stretched or compressed or otherwise irritated in some way. Then the nerve swells and becomes inflamed. Now every time you stretch the nerve like straightening out your leg or bending at the waist, the nerve sends out a terrible pain message. For some, it is the worst imaginable pain.

Because the nerve is swollen, it cannot slide easily in areas where there are joints. So at the lower back, in the butt and hips, behind the knee and even in the ankle. Unquestionably, these are the points where the nerve gets stuck and movement hurts.

So What is the Treatment for Sciatic Nerve Pain? Chiropractic.

Now hang on for a moment. I know what you’re thinking. Obviously, you’re thinking “if I can’t even walk or straighten out my leg without excruciating pain, there’s no way I’m letting anyone fold me like a pretzel and crack my back!!!’

And you’d be right. Someone with acute sciatica may not be a good candidate for a vigorous spinal adjustment. However, what you may not realize is some chiropractors do more than just “crack backs.” In addition to traditional chiropractic adjustments some Doctors of Chiropractic provide physiotherapy modalities to help ease inflammation and pain. Specifically, these include:

Heat and Ice

Yes, good old heat and ice are very effective at relieving inflammation. And in combination, they are even better.

Electrical Nerve Stimulation

“Friendly” electrical currents can be pulsed through the nerve to help move fluids within the nerve to relieve inflammation. These external pulses can also tell the nerve to stop firing off pain messages providing relief.

Cold Laser Therapy and LED Therapy

These are “light therapies” that have specific photonic energy that helps your body’s own natural healing powers to remove inflammation and relieve pain.

Sciatic Nerve Exercises

Depending on how severe the sciatica symptoms are, your doctor will guide you through movements specifically designed to get the nerve unstuck in the cramped joint areas. Obviously, these movements are done very gently and to your tolerance.

Chiropractic Doctors Have Been Relieving Sciatic Nerve Pain for Over a 128 Years!

And Dr. Barry Marks, Chiropractor has been successfully treating sciatica for over 36 years in Orange County.

Now thanks to newer technology, your sciatic nerve symptoms are more easily treated than ever. So, if you’re suffering from sciatica, there is hope. If you’ve already tried the medications, maybe even had a shot or two, and you still have pain…

Call us now at (714) 938-0575 and make an appointment for a $99 New Patient Offer.

You will receive a consult, exam and first sciatica pain relieving treatment with Dr. Barry Marks, Chiropractor and Sciatica treatment expert. But do it now so you can get rid of your leg pain as soon as possible.

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