Chiropractic Neck Stretches

Chiropractor Approved Stretches for Your Neck

chiropractic neck stretching exercises

These neck stretching exercises are recommended by your chiropractor and not just for neck pain. These are exercises everyone should do. Every morning.

Morning Stretch Routine

Dr. Barry Marks, chiropractor, author and lecturer, recommends doing stretching exercises daily. In fact, Dr. Marks advises patients to do range of motion (ROM) stretching exercises first thing in the morning. The reason is because overnight you are not moving much. After the spine has been immobile overnight the gel substance (nucleus pulposus) in the intervertebral discs is thicker and less mobile. Also the joints that guide movement have less natural lubrication from not moving. As an example you may notice this as morning stiffness.

This is why it’s a good idea to start your day with stretching exercises that moves the discs and joints. As a result, the disc gel becomes thinner and more mobile after you’ve moved the spine. While you bend and turn your spine, the joints begin to naturally secrete lubricating synovial fluid. Then as the gel warms up and thins and the synovial fluid seeps into the joints, you will feel looser. Consequently, aches and pains are reduced as well.

Definitely, follow the pictures above to perform your daily neck stretches. First, simply tilt your head to one side and hold it for 10 seconds. Then tilt the other direction and hold for 10 seconds. However, make your movements slow and gentle. Do NOT bounce or jerk your spine. Importantly, remember you’re warming it up. Now turn your head one way and hold it 10 seconds. Then go the other way for 10 seconds. If you have not had a recent car accident, also move your head down for 10 seconds and then back for 10 seconds.

These are daily warm up exercises. Further, if you have been given rehabilitative exercises to reshape your neck curve or correct your posture, do these warm-up stretches first then do your other exercises.

Afternoon Exercises for a Looser Neck

So your morning stretching routine gets your spine warmed up and ready to work. Clearly, it’s a great way to start your day. The problem is, many people get to work and spend the next 8-12 hours putting stress on their necks. Obviously, sitting at a desk, using a computer, staring down at your phone call add stress and tension to the neck discs and joints. All the warming up from the morning is for naught.

That’s why the doctor recommends doing the range of motion exercises on your lunch break. Taking a few minutes out of your lunch can keep your discs and joints warmed up and ready to work. It also helps control pain and neck tension if you’ve had a recent accident. You may also want to do the exercise again during an afternoon break. It only takes a couple of minutes and it will keep your work from aggravating your neck.

You and Your Chiropractor are Partners in Getting You Well

By doing your neck exercises at home, you make your chiropractic treatments in the office more effective. That means you get out of pain sooner and need fewer visits.  That means more time and energy for fun things like family and hobbies. Dr. Marks’ goal is always to get you well quickly and affordably. Doing your part helps him achieve this goal.

Daily Neck Exercises Are Recommended By Your Chiropractor. Do Them!
If You Have Any Questions Call (714) 938-0575 or Contact Us Dr Marks is Always Ready to Help.


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