Peripheral Neuropathy Relief in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Home Based Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment in Orange County

home based peripheral neuropathy treatment orange county

Do You Suffer from Burning, Tingling, or Numb Feet? Are you Slowly Losing Your Ability to Walk, Dance or Play Golf? Do Your Burning Feet Keep You Up at Night?


First, let’s discuss why your feet burn, tingle or feel numb

For some reason, the blood vessels supplying your feet with nutrients like oxygen and nitric oxide have restricted flow. This can happen due to diabetes, pre-diabetes, or chemical exposure (chemotherapy). Also, it can occur due to autoimmune conditions. Your own body is attacking the blood vessels damaging them.

Whatever the cause, eventually the lack of blood flow starves the nerves of nutrition. Subsequently, the nerves become inflamed and later deteriorate and die.

Common Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy

The most widely used therapy is medication. Drugs are used to quiet the painful nerves. They often don’t work. In fact, the drugs used are NOT designed for peripheral neuropathy. Rather, they are re-purposed drugs originally made to fight seizures and convulsions.

Let’s be clear. These drugs do not improve blood flow. Also, they do not repair the nerves. All they do is try to make the burning or tingling sensation less by tricking your brain into thinking the feet are ok.

While taking these drugs, your condition will gradually get worse. And, worse yet, you will need to take ever increasing amounts of the drugs to have any effect. Clearly, this does not sound good. And we haven’t even spoken of the side effects or the fact that you cannot simply stop taking the medication cold turkey. You have to ween off or suffer serious withdrawal symptoms.

Treatments for Peripheral Neuropathy that Do Work

So, if neuropathy is caused by lack of blood flow and damage to nerves, then shouldn’t the treatment be aimed at improving blood flow and healing nerves? Of course! And that’s exactly what Dr. Marks’ breakthrough neuropathy program does without shots or dangerous drugs.

Dr. Barry Marks, DC Orange County’s Peripheral Neuropathy Doctor

Dr. Marks has been in practice since 1986. In his years of service to his neighbors in Orange County, he has investigated some of the most advanced techniques and equipment in pain management. For example, Dr. Marks has implemented a unique system of therapies to solve the peripheral neuropathy problem. Specifically, the program improves blood flow, even helps create new blood vessels, repairs damaged nerves, reduces inflammation and can actually calm autoimmune activity.

Certainly, the combination of therapies is unique, but what makes Dr. Marks’ approach totally different is…

Home Based Orange County Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

That’s right. Other than an initial evaluation and consult in Dr. Marks’ central Orange County office and a training session, the treatments are carried out in the comfort of your own home. To be sure, you will be fully trained with “set and forget” home therapies and a nutrition program. Then, you will have weekly Zoom, or FaceTime follow up consults with Dr. Marks guiding you through the process. Unquestionably, this is a unique program.

Imagine, no need to travel to an office. No hassles finding parking. And no long waits in crowded waiting rooms. This is a game changer and just might be what you’ve been missing.

Ready to Find Out if Your Condition Qualifies?
<<Click Here for a Free Neuropathy Severity Evaluation>>
Or Call (714) 938-0575 and ask for a Free Neuropathy Evaluation

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