How Often Should You Go to the Chiropractor After a Car Accident?

How often should you go to the chiropractor after a car accident?
Car accident chiropractor explains how often patients are seen after a car accident

How often should you go to the chiropractor after a car accident?

Orange County Car Accident Doctor Explains Car Accident Injury Treatment

Car accident injuries are complex and every patient and every injury is unique. For this reason, how much damage has been done to muscles, ligaments, discs and nerves determines how often and for how long you see a chiropractor after a car accident. For instance, car accident whiplash injuries can be classified as Mild, Moderate and Severe.

You Cannot Judge Car Accident Injuries and Treatment by Vehicle Damage

It’s important to know that the amount of vehicle damage has nothing to do with the severity of your injuries. You may indeed be quite injured and yet your car looks fine and vice versa. In fact, researchers from around the globe have found most injuries occur at lower speeds of only around 12 mph. As an example, a study in Japan found that the people who suffered the least vehicle damage required the most treatment. And that is because in an accident with more vehicle damage, more of the energy of the crash is being dissipated by the car damage. Crashes with little damage allow more damaging force to the occupant.

Simplified Grading Scale of Car Accident Whiplash Injuries

  1. Mild Injuries: Muscular damage only
  2. Moderate Injuries: Muscles and ligaments damaged, discs may be damaged, no neurologic damage
  3. Severe Injuries: Muscles, ligaments and/or discs damaged, nerves are damaged

Typical Treatment Frequency and Duration for Each Injury Grade

For mild injuries you may require 2-3 visits each week for a period of 1-3 months.

In comparison, moderate injuries take longer. It’s common to be seen 3 times a week for a month and then taper down to 1-2 times a week for another 2-4 months. Consequently, a total treatment duration of 6-8 months is not uncommon.

Alternatively, if you’ve had a severe injury, it’s likely you will be seen 3 times per week for 1-2 months before tapering down to 1-2 visits a week for the remaining 4-6 months. It is not unheard of to require 12 months or more of chiropractic for a severe injury.

Every Car Accident and Every Injury is Different, How Long Your Case Will Take Depends on Many Factors

For this reason, a car accident chiropractor specialist like Dr. Barry Marks Chiropractor will make a careful evaluation and determine your injury severity based on your exam findings, x-rays and other special tests. Your injury grade will give a rough estimate of how often and for how long you will require treatment. And of course Dr. Marks will then monitor your response to care and make adjustments accordingly.

To Get Your Car Accident Injury Severity Evaluation Click Here or call (714) 938-0575


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