Dr Barry Marks, DC Announces Home Based Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Program
Non-invasive Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment Orange County, CA
Peripheral Neuropathy
Suffering from burning, pain, tingling and numbness in the feet? Indeed, you may have peripheral neuropathy, a painful and debilitating condition caused by poor circulation that leads to nerve damage and eventually nerve destruction.
In fact, more than half the sufferers of neuropathy who take conventional treatments using drugs, continue to complain of pain and disability after months and even years of treatment. These drugs have serious side-effects.
Non-Drug Treatments for Burning, Tingling, Numb Feet
Luckily, you have alternatives. Importantly, non-pharmaceutical treatments have been proven to increase circulation and repair damaged nerves. In fact, an Orange County doctor has found using a combination of different light-based therapies with key nutritional products achieves amazing gains in circulation and nerve repair. Particularly, the program is scientifically proven, boasts over 80% effectiveness and uses only FDA cleared equipment.
Treatment at Home
Now here’s the best part, the program can be designed to be almost entirely home-based! Moreover, no more going to doctors offices worrying about driving multiple times each week, parking, walking to the building and waiting in a crowded waiting room. Best of all, this is a doctor supervised at home program where you own the equipment to use as you please under the supervision of a doctor. Indeed, you only visit the doctor a handful of times for evaluation and monitoring of your progress. Unquestionably, this is the future of medicine, today.
Unique Program for Foot Pain and Numbness
Undoubtedly, this program is unlike others. By contrast, other neuropathy programs are not as comprehensive. Specifically, this is the only home-based program. Lastly, this new program is also a fraction of the cost of other programs, yet more effective.
New Hope for Peripheral Neuropathy
If you’re sick and tired of burning, tingling and numb feet and would like to know more, sign up for a Free peripheral neuropathy relief evaluation. Indeed, there is New Hope for Neuropathy. Dr. Marks will give you a specialized exam. And then, he will let you know if you’re a candidate and what the treatment will look like.
Finally, If You’re Ready to Do Something About Your Painful Feet Click Here