What is a Subluxation?
Chiropractic-Wiki Topic: What is a Subluxation? 
“Subluxation” is the term chiropractors use to describe a malfunction within the spinal column.
There are different aspects to the subluxation:
- Loss of motion between two adjacent vertebrae
- Irritation of nerves that at first causes increased activity and later less activity
- Spasm of muscles surrounding the joints
- Inflammation of the joint and surrounding tissues
These can all occur or a subluxation may only have one or two components. The longer a subluxation remains the more it evolves with more components. If subluxations are left uncorrected, it leads to deterioration or degeneration of the joints. We call this spondylosis or osteoarthritis of the spine. Chiropractors refer to this as “subluxation degeneration.”
Chiropractors locate subluxations through palpation with the hands, electronic or thermal devices and/or with x-rays.
Correction of subluxations
Subluxations are corrected through spinal manipulation or “adjustments.” By far, the most prevalent form of adjustment is a directed force by hands to open up the joint to restore motion. Other methods include machines or hand held devices to send a mechanical impulse into the joint to affect change.
Cavitation is when the joint moves through it’s maximum physiologic range of motion and gasses are released from the joint. To be sure, this is the hallmark “cracking” noise often heard with chiropractic adjustments.
It can take a few adjustments to correct a subluxation. Specifically, this is because the brain remembers a malfunction and causes spasm of the muscles as a protective mechanism. After the brain is convinced there is no need for spasm, the muscle memory reflex will stop and the joint will remain functional. Unfortunately, it can take a very long time to correct subluxations if they have been long standing and the spine has been neglected.
Your every day life contributes to subluxations. Like tarter on teeth from eating and not brushing enough, postural and emotional stress, daily physical activities, accidents all cause subluxations to occur. They only become detectable when enough inflammation, spasm or nerve irritation occur to be felt.
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