Online Chiropractic Appointments
Appointments for Dr. Barry Marks Chiropractor Orange, CA

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Chiropractic Appointment Scheduling With You in Mind
Clearly, when you need pain relief, the last thing you want is difficulty making an appointment to see the chiropractor. As a result, Dr. Marks has designed an online appointment system to address this need. Certainly, a key feature is the ability to make an appointment online any day or time. You are able to see the office schedule and book your appointment without the need to call the office.
Also, the chiropractic appointment system will provide you with conformation via email. Additionally, you will receive reminders the day before and 2 hours prior to your appointment time.
Want to minimize your time spent in the office? The scheduling pages also have links to download paperwork for new patients. Namely, you can complete the forms in the convenience of your home and bring them to the office.
Patient Centered Appointment Policies
Your appointment time is the time we expect to see you. If you are on time, your waiting in the office should be 5 min or less.
You do not need to show up early to complete paperwork. Accordingly, we figure that into the time of your appointment. In fact, we discourage you from arriving early as it will overlap with other patients.
Similarly, if you are running late, please call us. Generally, we can keep your appointment or make slight adjustments to the schedule. Our goal is to accommodate and respect all of our patient’s schedules.
Why Do We Prefer Appointments Rather Than Walk-ins?
Because we strive for a 5 min max waiting time, a patient who arrives unexpectedly, could cause a delay in treatment to others. The appointment system does not allow for making an appointment within 30 min of the appointment time.
But that doesn’t mean you cannot make an appointment. Simply call us (714) 938-0575. We can often book an appointment over the phone at the last moment. You can literally call from the parking lot and request an appointment and we will do our best to find a spot for you within a 15 min window.